
The public distribution of works of Graupner by recordings, modern editions and books is growing fast, although a huge amount of (mostly vocal) works has to be edited.

We try to keep the search form up to date on behalf of currently available recordings and editions.


The online digital collection of the ULB Darmstadt: view and download scanned manuscripts of Graupner.


A rather recent list of recorded works of Graupner is available on www.swapacd.com.

Other interesting sites where you can learn of and listen to excerpts of Graupners music:

- Graupnerpage on Classics Online

- Graupner at the huge Rotterdam (NL) library: muziekweb.nl

- at CD Universe

- at All Music

- at CPO


Several editions are offering music of Graupner in their catalogue. I am omitting very old, non reliable editions (only available in libraries) and private editions. A survey:

Denkmäler Deutscher Tonkunst 51/52 (Noack 1926)

Concerto Editions

A-R Editions (Recent Researches)

Bärenreiter verlag

Carus Verlag

Editio Alto

Edition Baroque

Edition Grundner

Edition Walhall

Editions Fuzeau

Gehann Musik Verlag

Merseburger Verlag


Garri Editions

Möseler Verlag

Musica Rinata

Prima la Musica!

La Sinfonie d'Orphée

Contributions are very welcome!